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Medical Safety & Sterility: Ensuring Compliance from Production to Patient Care

Prior to any medical item being thermoformed and packaged by our customers for use in, on, or around the body or within operating or emergency rooms, we meticulously engineer it to precise specifications. Our top priority is ensuring safety and sterility.

Medical Solutions That Are Operational

BMG provides the most innovative, durable, and dependable thermoforming equipment in the industry, from entry-level thermoformers to the most technologically advanced turnkey systems. We are dedicated to determining and delivering the best solutions, whether you require the adoption of new, sustainable materials, faster setup times, increased output, or enhanced parts quality.

Our packaging solutions are incredibly accurate, repeatable, and of the highest quality possible while minimizing contaminants and protecting devices to ensure performance while maintaining a sterile environment until removed from their enclosure. We deliver the most optimal Medical packaging and product solutions to help you achieve your desired results while improving consistency, speed, and profitability—anything from sterile surgical device packaging to medical components, the trays that carry them, and so much more.

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It takes exceptional people to run an extraordinary company. At BMG, we're continuously seeking out individuals who embody that unique blend of talent, drive, and a desire for a fulfilling work-life balance. We feel that BMG provides just that.

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